Work on yourself first to really go for that thing you've always wanted to do and create a bigger purpose for your life.



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Hi! I'm Heather Coleman

I want to help YOU better yourself, and truly go for that one thing you've always wanted to do.

Hi! I'm Heather Coleman
I have always been passionate about health and wellness, but as time went on I realized it's deeper than just eating healthy and exercising. I was doing all of the "right" things and still felt anxious and miserable all the time and working in a career that had burnt me out. I was living a life I wasn't passionate about and had a major missing piece to my life..

I choose to make a change and I went deep into self help work, meditations, journaling, started following people who were successful and happy instead of binging on reality tv and distracting myself with material things.

l invested fully in myself realigned with who I was authentically and what I truly wanted out of life, faced blocks and limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Through this work I found PURPOSE and PASSION for my life.

I truly believe everyone has a bigger purpose for their life, they just get caught up in society and the rat wheel of "reality", I want to help you escape it and live the life you were meant to.

I remember watching successful people's stories of how they found their purpose and passion in life and I had no idea where to start.. to be honest the self help world was kinda overwhelming and I was a little skeptical of it. Everyone recommended meditation, journaling, "working on yourself", but there's so much of it out there it felt over whelming to even start... BUT I did and I am forever grateful for this journey. The past 5 years I have listened to podcasts, read books, joined courses, studied other people who accomplished their dream lives, and through this work I've been able to put together a simplified step by step program to help others get to this place as well.

I created a complete holistic program with guided reprogramming meditations, journal prompts, and more. this program walks you through each step of the process. At the end you're given a list of all the habit stacking changes you can continue DAILY so even after the program you will be given life long tools to continue to work on yourself.

As you do this self help work, and go for that passion you've always wanted to do it can be very lonely and overwhelming. I WISH I had found a program like this to simplify it all, and really have support in my dreams and bettering myself. I had no one to talk to or relate to and I felt like it made my journey even longer. I want to be here to support you fully go for that thing you've always wanted to do, while becoming the best version of yourself along the way.

Better yourself while working towards a goal.


My Story

Healing to Success

 Dive deep into your subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you back from going for that one thing you've always wanted to do. Join me with a complete 13 week holistic program where you will learn to really connect with yourself again, face things that may have been swept under the rug for years, and ultimately build daily habits that will help you to go for your true life purpose(s) and build a life you love again. You will have a structured course with a new topic each week with journal prompts, reprogramming meditations, worksheets & more! You'll also get several 1:1 personalized coaching sessions with me.

Let's get started!

Who I help...

People who want a deeper meaning to their lives, but don't know where to start.

Have you ever imagined a different life for yourself, but then just kept living your same routine.. went back to the same job.. kept your same patterns.. same mistakes.. basically stayed on your same bs. Some people live their whole lives like this and the longer you stay in these patterns the more likely you aren't going to get out of them. The good news is it's NEVER too late to change your life. The problem is most of the time people don't know where to start, and when they do they don't go deep enough into their true subconscious beliefs and patterns. They start too superficially and never get to the root of their problems as to why they aren't succeeding in their lives. 

This is truly what I help with, reconnecting with yourself, building habits that will keep you going for that change and really go for what you want out of life and getting to the root cause of what's holding you back. You have a bigger purpose, and a bigger life waiting on the other side don't waste it being stuck in your own mind, with blocks and limiting beliefs  that are possible  to work through. Let's work together and make the change today.

   Is this you?

  • Have an idea of something you want to go for whether it's social media, starting a podcast, coaching, starting your own candle business..but you always push it aside and never fully go for it. 
  • Don't have any idea what you want to do, but you know you have a bigger purpose or story to share and you just need a starting point to get your mind unblocked and clarity on what you want.
  • You're tired of your same patterns and routine, you want to really reconnect with yourself and create new habits that will change your mindset and outlook on life.
  • You want an all in one place to dive deep into shadow work, personal development, manifestation, subconcsious limiting beliefs  and to develop healthy habits to work through anxiety and daily challenges that hold you back from accomplishing your dream life.
  • You're ready to become a happier more grounded version of yourself, while connecting with your purpose and passions.

Then Let's Do this!

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Better yourself, while working towards your goals.

1-2 paragraphs on how you and your program(s) are going to alleviate your target client’s pain points/challenges. Speak directly to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

1-2 paragraphs on how you and your program(s) are going to alleviate your target client’s pain points/challenges. Speak directly to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Yes! Compelling CTA text here!

1-2 sentences teasing them about your story. If possible mention the juiciest/most shocking/intriguing part of your story and leave them on a cliffhanger to tempt the click

My Podcast

Free Mini Course!

Find your Niche in the Online Space:

"Your Authentic Niche"

mini course.  

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate"

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-Carl Jung

A Maggie Berghoff template